I am not Maine Mendoza! (I wish...)

I am not Maine Mendoza! (I wish but the reality is, I am not!)

There are so many reasons why a lot of girls today between ages 1 to 99 would want to be Maine Mendoza, number 1 reason obviously is because she gets to see Alden's dimples on an almost daily basis, ogle at them and don't end up looking desperate but instead adorably cute and so worth the 25.6 million tweets worldwide! 

Second reason probably would be from being a girl creating Dubsmash videos, she became an online sensation and now is a household name (and I mean that both literally and figuratively of course.) Third would probably be her growing list of endorsements for big names such as McDonald's, Talk n Text, O+, etc and the list could go on. 

 There are countless reasons why anyone would want to be Maine Mendoza right now; fame, fortune, love life, glory, etc, however none of those equate to my reason as mine is totally simple.
I'd want to be Maine Mendoza because I admire how she could work with her "crush" and not melt, get all sweaty and talk senseless or just faint in front of him. (Although she did once but for a whole different reason..)

Because, to me, no matter how cool as a cucumber I am on a normal day -  I just can't be normal or rational with my crush in close proximity! Seriously, I end up all fingers and thumbs or like a ball of cotton, too light I could get blown by the wind!

Yaya Dub's not to subtle act of covering her face with the "abaniko"  when she realized Alden (her real life crush) was watching from the studio was so genuine and cute the everyone took notice and related to it. Had I been in her place, I would not be able to function normally again but she was so cool, still continued contorting her face and continued on with the show. (Yeah, she is a celebrity and she is acting, true, but underneath all that facial contortions, she still is just a girl standing in front of a guy asking him to love her...ok so I borrowed the line from Notting Hill but you have to admit there are parallelisms between the two..hehe) 

That's why I admire her - how she can be crazy and wacky and not concerned with her looks even if her crush is there -  and how she is still as lovable like that, even with a little piece of boiled quail egg on her chin! Most other girls would be too self-conscious, too concerned about being likeable or lovable that they end up hiding their true personalities with something that they think is socially acceptable - something I don't see in Maine that is a refreshing sight and a wonder to behold on national television. 

Had I been Maine Mendoza, I would not have these horrendously humiliating moments in my life because I would be so cool my crush would end up liking me.  But I am not, ergo, I went through it all in all glory! (If there is one thing I am thankful, it would be that during  these memorable experiences, no cameras were  present...phew!)

~  During high school, upon seeing that I would bump into my crush in the hallway; I halted, took an about face and went back from where I came from so I could avoid running into him.  (I know... I am such a loser, I could've just played it cool! Argh!)

~  During a city-wide event (aka Sinulog);  I see my ex-crush from college and I decide to approach him and what do I say? I say "So, I heard you're already married!" (Can it get any more uncomfortable than that????)

I was in the office elevator heading to the seventh floor and a floor after, a few people along with my crush got in and a few minutes later I totally got off on the WRONG floor! I had realized I was in the wrong floor the moment I stepped out of the elevator but was too humiliated to turn back, I had to take the stairs to get to the correct floor. (Yikes!)

~ I was working in a construction site as Leasing Officer and while walking away from my crush at the end of the day, I fall into a deep hole miraculously still standing upright! Everyone saw it and it was like magic because one moment I was there and the next I was gone! Thankfully, although I got some mud on me, the only pain was my bruised ego! (Ouch!)
~ On a chat conversation wherein my crush greeted me a happy birthday, I replied back saying "happy birthday!" (Wow, so much for being a great conversationalist ey?)

So yeah, do you now see where I am at? These moments and so many more are the reasons why I'd want to be Maine Mendoza but you see, I am not, so I guess the best thing I could do is when these moments do happen again, I'll have to muster my cutest "pabebe" wave and move on! 

After all, it's really the mistakes that make life more fun, right? To use Joey de Leon's words "ang tama nakakatuwa pero and mali nakakatawa!" so just laugh it off! :-)

 (I have to admit, there is a resemblance between me and Maine, but only on the first picture! hehehe)

To my previous crushes who bore witness to my total clumsiness, a contorted face and a "pabebe" wave to you! :-)


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